Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ye Sankalp Bana Rahe

With the start of the new term, came the arrival of new students for MBA 2009-11. And yes, new additions to the team of Sankalp. Enthusiastic students with ideas as to how to take this forward. After the initial introductions, came the first session with the mess workers on 23rd July 2009. The evening started off with a game of 'balloon basketball' in which two teams were formed (mixed teams consisting of both the mess workers as well as students) and the 'basket' was also one of the participants. The players were supposed to put the balloon in the basket without getting up from their chairs and just by pushing the balloon in the right direction. The game was enjoyed by one and all. It also turned out to be a great ice breaker ! This game was played in the mess.

Balloon Basketball

Next the mess workers were taken outside where they played cat in the middle, in which a handkerchief was kept in the centre and two teams were formed and one player from each team had to confront the other team's player, snatch the handkerchief and run before the other team's player could touch him. This again led to a good bonding between the players and the students.

Cat in the middle

So much so that they exclaimed that they looked forward to the next session. A few photographs were clicked at the end of the session along with the mess workers.

The whole group

1 comment:

Ganesh Iyer said...

This was a fun session..very interactive...enjoyed it thoroughly...P.S. nice post!!